Tuesday 30 September 2008

Second Week - How I did on the new modelling techniques

This week I've learnt alot more by drawing any kind of shape or object and converting it to a 3D shape. All it needed is to convert it to a edittable ploy and adjust the edges to create a sword shape. I've also included a text above which is converted to a poly aswel and then extrude it to make a nice adaptable 3D model.

This is well......was suspose to be a bowl but I preffered it to be called a lamp.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

My first 3D model

This is my first attempt using 3D Studio Max for
this semester. To begin creating an apple, I've started drawing a sphere which views like a ball. It needed some effect in which I've right-clicked it into a poly so that it can be edited into however shape or size I want. I've then used the soft smooth tool that converts the sphere so that I can drag it to create an apple.

Once the shape of the apple is complete I've then begin the next part is into creating a stem. To do so I create a cone then rotate it to about 30 degrees and then fiddle the size by dragging to the right dimension.

Once thats completed I've then created a cylinder for the surface so that the apple can be placed above it. To make it more interesting, I've also included a donut and placed it next to the apple.

I feel that my attempt was a good start and my 3D models still needs some improvement. But overall I hope to gain and learn more with this experience as time goes through.

Monday 22 September 2008

My favourite cartoon character

My favourite cartoon character is Superman because hes super cool and has all the abilities of agility, strength, courage, blast red lazy beam with his eyes and also can fly through the sky whihc ever distance he wants.