Thursday 2 October 2008

Mood Board


This image shows a happy day, event and month as Christmas is described to be a wonderful event in this month. I've used this cake image providing a strawberry and some jelly beans to decorate the cake to be delicious.


Is another happy day/event for this month and Easter is described as enjopying, happy, pleasant and tremendous day. I've used this rabbit image adding a hat, two Easter eggs and one in a box container.


This mood of the month is described as happiness again enjoying the wonder sun at the beach through Summer. I've added an extremely hot sun image to justify that the weather over Summer be hot. Just to make it this borad funny I've added a image of a man buring in flames because of the hot sun. :)

1 comment:

tam3D0809 said...

I really like your mood boards, especially the rabbit in April. They are much more interesting to look at than mine. Well done.