Tuesday 30 September 2008

Second Week - How I did on the new modelling techniques

This week I've learnt alot more by drawing any kind of shape or object and converting it to a 3D shape. All it needed is to convert it to a edittable ploy and adjust the edges to create a sword shape. I've also included a text above which is converted to a poly aswel and then extrude it to make a nice adaptable 3D model.

This is well......was suspose to be a bowl but I preffered it to be called a lamp.


steve-h said...

Certaintly does look like a erm.. lamp its cool lol.

Did you remember to change the pivot point to the base and lathe it in the right direction?

cooolin said...

beats me haha!

tam3D0809 said...

You seem to have understood the methods we learnt last week well. I really like the lampshade.