Friday 20 March 2009

week 9

Week 9 - Table cloth:

Here is a simple table cloth that I've decided to do since I am weeks behind from week 3. I create a plane positioning it at the top so that it can fall. Then placing a sphere and scale it so it looks like the surface of a table.

The next part is to use reactor to animate the cloth scene. Selecting reactor and applying modifier will have the effect of a real cloth and leave properties settings as default.

Then I go to reactor, create object and cloth collection so that the cloth ca animate. The cloth collection can be placed anywhere. For the cloth to react to the table, I select cloth collection and add it, so the name of the sphere will be sphere01. Place it under/ in the centre of the sphere and it should be ready to be animating. Also include keyframes.

This is my table cloth:

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