Friday 6 February 2009

Week 2 - using camera

Week 2: Animating using camera angles

Our task this week was to create an animation of a room using the camera to constraint the right angles when watching the animation. Some pupils have used the camera to zoom in the room/ house but I've decided lets zoom out. Although this is my first attempt to use the camera for the animation I will find it useful for the assignment.

First to begin with I create a room by using "box", then I create another one for the doorway using another box placing it on a wall, then "Boolean" it.

I then create more boxes to extend so that I have at least a
nother room. Also I've repeat the same method in order to create another doorway.

Now the main part is to animate with the camera. I place a "line" inside the room, setting its Initial Type and Drag Type to "smooth". That way the camera can then follow the line smoothly.

Right, to use the camera, I basically place it above the "line". Then to allow the camera to follow the line, I go to Animation, Constraints and select Path constraints. Which will then connect to the line. I set the camera to "follow" so that it will follow the line nice and smoothly. I've also need to rotate the camera as I've selected its Object Type as "Free".

There we go this is my animation.

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